Runaways Molly Karolina Lines
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support my Patreon can be found at
Here are lines for a request made by a Patron via private message. This request was for a futa Molly Hayes from her Battle of the Atom appearance having sex with Karolina Dean, both characters from The Runaways. This is a request that I said I would try to have done by the 13th for a special occasion, which I am a couple days ahead on. This is a bonus request so I still plan to do another $1 and $5 request from the list this month. Since I don't have to work today I still have plenty of time to try and color it, but I may hold back on that and do the normal requests first since I don't feel I am in a coloring mood. We'll see what I decide to do after I eat, comment on /pco/, do some changes to my Patreon page then send out files for my $100 patrons.
Added August 11th 2016
Views: 2993
August 12th 2016
August 12th 2016
Very nice work. :)