25 Years - 1995 to 2020 and beyond!
Site News

July 16th 2024 - Longer gifs , mp4 and webm!

Hey all! We now have support for larger and longer animated gifs as well as MP4 and Webm files in the gallery. Still working on other features so stay tuned! 

Posted by: cheetah

June 17th 2024 - Welcome new artists, and some news on revised features

We'd like to welcome both 4MLTP, and GalaxyViolet to TJA make sure to go check out their galleries and let them know what you think.. Which SHOULD be a lot easier as we've revised when the image slide show opens, so the ability to see comments, leave comments, and see stats is a lot easier.  We're working on PostyBirb support for TJA and will keep you updated on all that as it progresses. I'd like to thanks everyone who's been part of out Subscribestar support, as well as those still on the "OTHER" support page, if you enjoy TJA and the Sites we host please consider joining out Subscribestar over at https://subscribestar.adult/tjapalsupport  thanks so much for taking the time to give the news a read.

Posted by: cheetah

February 7th 2024 - Welcome a new artist to TJA

Hello All,

    Long time no speak, I do want to thank you all for the support that has been provided, and allowed us to continue to offer artists a safe place to host their works with out fear of censorship and banning. With that, I'd love to welcome ColdFusion to the site. Be sure to check out their gallery and see what they have to offer!

~Cheetah out

Posted by: cheetah

April 5th 2023 - Well , you all don't read this anyway.

I remember when WWOEC closed everyone got no warning. I've reached out via email, twitter, and what ever other contact information an artist on this site has available. Some of our biggest and most active artists.. All of them have ignored me. So I'll post it here for the few of you who'll read this news area and out twitter.. Doing this isn't free... Doing it with questionable content is even harder. You've all watched Pixiv go balls up with their ban hammer, and every other site make it harder on artists.. I've keep this site up and running, working on moving to newer solutions software wise, but the licenses there have already raised exponentially, cPanel has raised their prices over 200% in the last 2 years.. each year... Hosting isn't cheap, and again with allowing you all to post what you want , it has to be on a Tier 1 , rack and be paid to basically be ignored... I've asked for help, I'm asking again. Reach out to the artists who post here, ask them to help raise at least some support for our subscribestar, or what ever at this point.. or honestly.. It's gonna go the way WWOEC did.. I can't keep doing this anymore.  You all can reach me on our discord server https://discord.com/invite/SfBjFFR or click the link at the top right of the page..  This is my official warning. ~Cheetah

Posted by: cheetah

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