Janna Marco Sneaky Blowjob 2 Page Lines
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support my Patreon can be found at www.Patreon.com/Incognitymous.
Here are the (hopefully) final lines for the Janna/Marco request. This marks the moment I can finally move on to the other tiers.
Side note: I plan to limit the $1 and $5 tiers to standalone images, as I was initially doing them, mainly to give a little more value to the $10 requests. I started doing more comics as practice since I was wanting to aim towards being more comic focused, but I really have been making it difficult on myself keeping up with so many 1-2 page pieces for what were initially setup to be standard line/color drawings. After I finish this current batch of requests I will likely be doing 2-4 page strips exclusively for the $10+ pledge bonus, while maybe offering the maximum of 2-3 panels in other tiers, and those will only be for possible closeups or dialog buildup for those wanting a scenario as opposed to full comic panels.
Added May 13th 2016
Views: 6870
May 15th 2016
This is a fantastic little romp and (maybe not so surprisingly) very in-character for such an obsessive girl. I'm glad that Marco didn't scream when he woke up and hopefully he'll consider taking her up on the rest of her offer… though even if Star caught them right now that would make for a great enough story (no matter how it goes). Thanks.