Jack Extorting Julie Page 1 Lines
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support my Patreon can be found at www.Patreon.com/Incognitymous.
Here are the lines for page 1 of the current Power Pack request. Just 3 more to go. Going to try and finish this as quickly as possible so that hopefully I have about a week to do some more Wanda and Pietro. Not sure what I am going to do about making a new thread here on /pco/ but we'll see. I may just have to make it with any image or just tough it out in this dead thread until the month is over.
Also, I will be going to work soon, but I am about to go make the new pledge tier on my Patreon page before doing so. I'll see how that goes once I get home.
Added July 18th 2016
Views: 3601