Kit/Panthro 2 Page Lines
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support my Patreon can be found at
Sorry for the late update. This one took quite a bit of time to line but I finally finished it. Was hoping to have it done by yesterday but work has been running longer this week. I had a new hire to train on Monday and they ended up not showing/not responding, so instead of training someone for some work I ended up having to do most of it myself Monday and Tuesday. Regardless, this is finally lined and I'll be moving on to another $1+ request. Going to be doing quite a few line requests before doing any colors since powering through the 10 pages of that comic really killed it for me for the moment.
As a side note, I figure starting when I finally update the request topics on my Patreon that I'll have to start limiting them to standalone images, or maybe really, really simple comic pages if at all; this was how I really had them planned anyway but I got sidetracked by wanting to practice comic panel layouts a bit. The $10+ short comic requests will of course be an exception to this, but I'll definitely have to start sticking to the 2-4 page limit as opposed to stretching them out so long. The reason for this is that these comic pages take substantially longer than single images, and in order to have time for other, longer comic projects, I will not really have the time to be doing so many other random comic pages. While I really would like to do every request like this one, which was pulled from a $1+ request, it's not really practical to do so due to life having time restraints. I'll discuss it more in detail once I get enough requests done to be replacing the current request topic.
Added April 20th 2016
Views: 4801