Power Pack: New Beginnings Page 16
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support my Patreon can be found at http://www.Patreon.com/Incognitymous
You can find my latest works at http://incognitymous.com/
Posting my next free page today. There are more pages as well as other illustrations I haven't released yet available on my Patreon. I planned to post this yesterday, but plans don't like to go exactly as had hoped. Due to the addition of other stuff in between I plan to release pages of my Patreon comic on Fridays from now on, although worst case may make me push it back a day to Saturdays on occasion. Regardless I'll always post stuff like this on my site first.
On that note, I believe I have officially resolved the very last issue with my site. Just going to allow a few days to try things out, but all checks/tests seem to now be running clear. I should be able to activate subscriptions now, but I want to give a certain scheduled task tool a few days to run without error before deciding to make any big decisions. I'll definitely post an update when things are decided for sure.
Added January 22nd 2017
Views: 24953