Power Pack: New Beginnings Page 10
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support my Patreon can be found at http://www.Patreon.com/Incognitymous
You can find my latest works at http://jabarchives.com/main/profile/incognitymous (finally soon to be updated...)
Well this is a hella late update but I'm finally here. Been working long hours and have been sick as hell the last couple of days so I've kind of shirked on the free stuff. I've popped in to read all of your comments, but haven't really put in the time/effort to reply/post stuff. Also had roughly 700 images to upload/tag/title when I finally got my site to a state that I could upload it to the live server (still using a redirect until it's done) so I've been busy with that. Only roughly 270 images to go...which hopefully I can finish by tomorrow. Once that's done it's just a matter of page descriptions, making sure menu links are properly set, making 10+ sample posts to make sure the update loop is working and it should be good to go after I disable dashboard access on the front end. This process has been taking a bit longer than I had hoped, especially with the server I'm hosted on suddenly having tons of issues when I was ready to begin finalizing things. Go figure I've been using that server ever since WWOEC died without any issues and NOW it decides to start having hiccups...
Added December 30th 2016
Views: 6009