Maisha (OC)--Pookie's 4th Year Anniversary
On March 4th, 2014, I had to have Hernia surgery and I was out of commission for over a month. So here I was, barely able to move and not allowed to do much...but sit in my room, perusing the internet, and doodling pics.
One day, I saw an incredible picture of Sarah Hawkins by an artist named Pandora's Box. I wanted more, so I tracked the pic down to a site called WWOEC, which I would sign to around March 26, 2014. Not only did I find what I was looking for, I would meet a lot of artists, some of whom would inspire me. At that point, I decided to start posting my scribbles online. I would post my first ever pic--a drawing of Ms. Frizzle--around the first week of April.
However, I would find out the first inklings of WWOEC's money woes, as they would shut down for a few weeks. This would lead me to Deviantart as a back-up plan. I would join DA during the month of May. While I would gain lots of new viewers, some who would hang around for years, I would realize that I don't have to same freedom in DA that I had in I was relieved when WWOEC returned. I would then post consistently on both sites for years.
Sadly, around February 2016, WWOEC would disappear without a trace. I was going to post one last set--a set of H-Dash's OC Tally--right before the final shutdown, but never got the chance to. Many would migrate to Palcomix and the TJA Forums, myself included. My very first post there would be of Bunny Comics' Marcy Sweete, an obscure Black character that I was itching to draw.
I have been a consistant post at Palcomix since migrating there, and have continued to post at DA as well...and bringing back a WWOEC tradition--The Woman Of The Month, which I would also extend to The Girl Of the Month. However, the last few months, I have been forced to take down a lot of drawings I have had over the years because of "VIOLATION NOTICES", reminding me once again of the limits of posting at DA. Recently, I would recieve news of Palcomix' money woes, which would remind me of the waning days of WWOEC. This prompted me to dig into my savings and donate $500 to help save the place, as there aren't that many places where I would have the freedom that I had in WWOEC.
When I first started, my main medium would be a regular #2 Pencil...which doesn't scan very well. Then I would switch over to darker woodless pencils, which not only scan better, but I'm also able to shade with, which helps with more darker skinned characters. I would also use pen as well. However, the problems with using pencil is that mistakes can still be picked up during scanning, even after making attempts at erasing it. So in April of 2017, I would buy a Samsung Galaxy, and would draw the vast majority of my pics from that.
I would like to thank everyone who stuck with me through all these years. Today, I'm beginning my 4th year anniversary. Here's hoping I'm still able to stay inspired to crank them out.
Added March 27th 2018
Views: 2088