Ask Molly Stream 1-20
Starting in 15 minutes
I'll be doing an Ask Molly Moo Cow stream. Come by and ask Molly or any of my characters just about anything you want. I do mean any of my characters.
I say 'just about anything' because I would like to keep this to a Molly stream, so while I don't mind drawing your characters normally, I won't be fielding questions along the lines of "What does Molly think of my character?" Or "What would Molly do if she met x character outside of her continuity?"
This stream will not be a commission stream. I will randomly select people to have their questions fielded. So if you've submitted a question in the past that you really want fielded this will be the time.
If you're concerned or have questions please ask.
Added January 20th 2017
Views: 2177