Kinetix of the Legion of Superheroes
Many compare her to the Marvel Girl-era Jean Grey because of her telekinetic abilities (hence her codename) and being a cute readhead. From what I read, she became pretty power-obsessed as time went on because she wanted to do a better job at helping people. Thing is, she would wind up getting into all sorts of trouble because of it, including the time when she grew a tail and pointy ears for a while. Several years later, she would develope a Terrorform body which would give her a much stronger control over magic, thereby achieving her lifelong dream. In her final mission, she would join the fight against a raging Kryptonian, thinking that her stronger control over magic would make her an asset, since Kryptonians are vulnerable to magic. Tragically, this wasn't any it would turn out to be a character I only refer to as Johns' Pet. Kinetix would be yet another lamb sent to the slaughter in Johns' mission to MAKE DC GREAT AGAIN. Ugh.
Added September 30th 2016
Views: 1732