New Advertising Thread Starter Sketch
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support my Patreon can be found at
Here is a sketch of the next thread starter, now with shameless self-advertisement and lack of 4th wall boundaries. Wasn't sure what to go with so figured it would be amusing to do as a followup to the last Loli Club comic. Considered going with Ben and Gwen for simplicity, but I didn't want it to seem like just another Ben 10 thread starter. Yesterday was about as bad as expected so I didn't get to finish this sketch before work. I did get a lot done though in what time I did have due to some changes in my schedule so it's done rather early today. If I can finish the lines early enough to at least lay flats before work I may color it, but due to the end of the month being so close I may go with lines/tones if it takes too long. We'll see how it goes after I finally eat breakfast.
Added July 26th 2016
Views: 5225
July 27th 2016
A great work,plenty with hot scenes!Congratulations!