Loli Club Star Wars Page 3 Color
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support my Patreon can be found at
Just finished coloring page 3 of the Star Wars parody. Will either do page 4 next, line the $1 request, or sketch the next $5 request.
Also, I have decided on how I will be changing the tiers around. I will be keeping with the $1, $5 and $10 request scheme, but I will be making some slight changes. I will specify in the $1 and $5 requests that they will be standalone images and no longer be comic pages, which is something I have already previously mentioned. Simply put that is what I made the request tiers to be initially anyway, I just got myself caught in a comic page kick.
$10 requests will still be the same, but as some people have been suggesting, colors take really long and should be separate. I plan to keep colors in the requests, but when I say 2-4 pages in the requests now, it will mean either a 2 page spread in full color, or up to 4 pages with just lines and maybe tones (I have to experiment more with that to see how it works).
I will likely set the guaranteed amount of requests just at 1 request per tier each month so that I have more time for other projects. I have so many comic ideas I would like to get to and the current setup is proving to hinder my ability to do these. This way $1 patrons can make a line request each month, $5 patrons can make a line and color request each month, and $10 patrons can make a line request, a color request and either a 2 page short color comic or 4 page no color comic. I feel doing it this way will clear me the time that I need.
All requests already made before I edit the pages to change things will be grandfathered in at the current setup. People with current $10 requests will still be able to point out their old request for up to 4 pages of full color, and people that have already pledged solely for a continuation to pages I have done in other tiers in previous months will still be able to point to those requests. However, I will suggest these people make a new request that will fall into the new scheme as they point out the older ones since I may not find myself time every month for a full grandfathered request and I don't want their sole request to be wasted on these months.
On top of this I will try and make a new tier soon for guaranteed requests. I will likely do so around the 15th of the month if I am to do so, just to have a couple weeks to discuss requirements with anyone. I was thinking of trying for the higher end suggested on pricing at $100 for up to 3 figures, full lines/colors with background, and doing about 4 a month. I would like to keep pricing lower, more around 50-75, but my time and financial situation really do not allow for it. Any less than a few hundred dollars a month and it really will not be worth the effort, and if I have to do around 10 requests to reach that then it will prove too much of a hindrance doing so around my job while trying to keep up with current projects. I'm still heavily debating this tier so there is still room for change/suggestions, which is why I am waiting until around the 15th before implementing. Plus by that time of the month I should know whether or not my situation will even require me to do something like this.
Added July 3rd 2016
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