July Wilykit Color
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Here is the July calendar of Wilykit in color. Now to get back to coloring the current comic and/or sketching more pages of Pietro and Wanda. Also, I made some adjustment to Toph in the April calendar since I felt the hair was too small so I will be updating this in my Jab gallery.
Added July 2nd 2016
Views: 5655
July 4th 2016
This is the only thing that could ever tempt me to the beach. :) Kit is wonderfully lovely and super sexy as she spreads for an even tan in even the (usually) least-seen places, especially with that big laughing smile. The drape top is a nice tease too, though along with the leggings it helps focus attention to what's not covered up. Just be careful not to get any sand stuck there or WilyKat is in for a painful night. ;) Thanks.