Game Playas Vol 2 Page 35
One of my favorite characters has always been April O'Neil. Other than pin ups there's never been an actual story in the older series about Usako and April. Sure, she cameos from time to time with a line or two to remind people that she's intimate with Usako, but I just never got around to making a story about those two.
I finally got a chance to do so with the concept of Usako introducing her to sex in general. The basic idea goes that while modern videogames and especially anime are full with all sorts of sexual humor and pantyshots and even the more slice-or-life style shows, the characters at least know what sex is..... cartoons from the the more wholesome 80's to early 90's era seemed completely unaware of it.
April O'Neil was way too absorbed into her career to even think about having a relationship. If anything, Irma seemed to be the horny one, if that was even allowed in cartoons back then. The closest thing we ever got to sex was a random episode where Mikey was delivering pizzas and one of the customers was a pregnant woman, which I believe was a super are sight in cartoons back then.
Likewise, She-Ra a was too busy being overly righteous. Zelda was too busy bickering with Link with the whole 'they might secretly like each other but they'll never ever act on it' shtick. Princess Lana is sickeningly wholesome, as is Princess Peach who I basically threw in there as a cameo.
Bottom line, similar to Pleasantville, the cartoon women from the more wholesome age of cartoons are oblivious to sex, but due to modern day cartoon and game characters bragging about their conquests, they decided to find out what's the deal on what they're missing out on.
Added March 26th 2016
Views: 2641