Vol 1 Page 27
The girls cum, Usako is getting Yuri used to anal, and we also have the third day with two of my favorites, Janne from World Heroes and Yuki from Last Blade.
I'm going to have to feature Janne in an actual story. So far she's only being in this cameo and a pin-up. I'd say back in the day the top 3 game babes, for me anyway, were Chun Li from Street Fighter, Blaze from Streets of Rage and Tylis from Golden Axe. Then along came World Heroes which tossed Janne's long blonde hair and nice body in black tights in our face. Janne was one of the hottest fighting game girls before Mortal Kombat would eventually introduce Sonya and Super Street Fighter would introduce Cammy.
As for Yuki, I think she's hot. Not much hentai of her. Maybe I'll get around to featuring her in a short story somewhere down the line.
I also noticed Benja in the background pic I had in the wall of Usako's room. He's a character from before the series reboot, and since I recently got in contact with him... I might just bring him back and reference this photo. I was going to re-introduce him as a new character, but I think I'll make him a friend from the past since Usako already has a pic of him on the wall.
Yes, that pic was actually cut from a page Joe Sinister once drew for me, and I forgot to edit Benja out since he doesn't exist (so far) in this series, but now that I saw this page again, an idea is forming....
Added February 26th 2016
Views: 3186