As I came closer to enemy trenches it was then I felt the blow and I found myself stopping and falling to the mud, It was then I saw my friend Zelig kneeling in the muddy water, a tear coming from his eye and I saw his coat become darker. My friend had fallen.
(As I believe the short Story as it was Written)
Als ich näher an feindlichen Schützengräben war es dann kam fühlte ich den Schlag und ich fand mich zu stoppen und fallen auf den Schlamm, wurde es dann sah ich meinen Freund Zelig kniend im schlammigen Wasser, eine Träne aus dem Auge kommt, und ich sah seinen Mantel dunkler. Mein Freund war gefallen .
This work has been inspired by a great but sad story and stories I was told by a member of my family that served in WW 1 .
Added January 27th 2015
Views: 3960