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January 2nd 2015

troop 46231 Fireside Girls, troop 46231, always ready to help Phineas and Ferb, from left to right: Milly, Holly, Adyson, Isabella, Ginger, Katie and Gretchen, this time the project seems to be a naughty calendar or something like that, hehehehe · Date: Sun April 17, 2011 ----- Didn't have reliable access to internet, so I had a lot of time (3 and 1/2 years) to come up with a backstory ----- "Phineas, I'm so glad you built a bordello today. I don't think any of us would have been able to get our sex worker merit badges for at least a few years, otherwise." "That's great, Isabella! First I'll take you, Holly, and Gretchen. I think I'll follow that up with you, Milly, and Katie. Then, I should finish up with you, Addyson, and Ginger. Maybe after dinner I can stay with you, Candace, and Stacy for the rest of the night." "Where are Baljeet and Buford? I haven't seen much of them, today." "Baljeet is taking care of the security cameras and room monitors and Buford is going to be the bouncer. Dad took off today so he could do the videos of the girls spending the day with us." "Oh, Phineas. You're such a romantic!" "Nah, that would be Ferb. He's spending the full day with Candace while Mom does the videos. Even though, I think, it's mostly because Ferb knows Jeremy is going to be off somewhere spending time with Vanessa Doofenshmirtz and Stacy." "Too bad we have to go back to oral sex after today." "True, but the world isn't ready for birth control for pre-teens. It's why I burned the formula and refuse to re-discover it until the world is ready for it. Maybe in a decade or five." "You will be having genital sex with me again when we're in high school, Phineas Flynn. That's non-negotiable." "If Candace wasn't blood related to me like Ferb isn't, I would probably fight you on that." "You just ... LOVE your sister, don't you?" "However, things are as they are. I expect the rest of the Fireside Girls will want it, too." "As long as I'm there and I'm the one who arranges it, I don't think I'll fight it. Too much." "Why else do you think I'm going to be with all of them as I am ... we are, today?" "Oh, Phineas. You are a romantic! Let's get started, already!" ----- " ... " (Finished) "That's great, Ferb! We now have enough of the pills to supply Candace, Stacy, and Vanessa until they each graduate from high school." " ... " (It's good to be us) "I think you're right." " ... ?" (Shouldn't we make more?) "A birth control pill that takes ten minutes to take effect, lasts a full forty eight hours, prevents a full spectrum of STDs, has no major side effects, and can be made by above average ten year olds should not be released any time in the near future. Sexual mores have to change slowly or there'll be horrendous backlash. We'll have to wait and introduce each advancement individually. Maybe one every five to ten years." " ... ?" (Then, we're cutting ourselves off?) "No, we won't go without. We will have Candace, Stacy, and Vanessa to ourselves until we get to high school. We're insane and occasionally foolish, not stupid." " ... " (We do have fun) "Yes, yes we do. We'll always ... LOVE our sister. Jeremy will never get past hugs and kisses from our sister -not that either one will know we'll be preventing it- until she graduates high school, if we keep a close eye on them." " ... ?" (What about the other girls?) "Nothing against the Fireside girls, Candace and Stacy are almost women and Vanessa actually is a young woman!" " ... ?" (Would you like Vanessa some times?) "Nah, unless Vanessa specifically asks for me, don't bother bringing my name up. Only exception is if she asks for a threesome. Bring my name up first!" " ... " (Isabella is a kinky little bitch, but nowhere near either of us.) "Yeah, but I'm hoping oral will satisfy her. At least until her fourteenth birthday, anyway." " ... " (once their tits grow to decent size, they'll all be insatiable) "I can hardly wait." -----
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