On Memorial Day, I would always drop a pic of at least one female character who died in the line of duty. Just one of those crazy ideas I had.
Lt. Alice Noretti was a soldier who was signed to Able Squad (who were the main protagonists of the show). At the time, the Neosapians (a race of beings who were originally created as slaves) would take over Earth. A unit consisting of Commander J.T. Marsh, Alec Deleon, a neosapian named Marsala, and Alice would attempt an orbital drop to Earth on an asteroid to avoid radar detection. During the drop, Alice's pod would break off from the asteroid, lose control and crash on Earth, killing her. Alice's death would deeply effect Marsh, as she was a soldier who was under his watch, thus he felt responsible for her death.
In later episodes, the neosapians would created a clone of Alice to infiltrate an Exofleet stronghold, in an attempt to assassinate their top brass, Admiral Winfield, but failed and was killed.