This woman is from a flashback sequence, where Munchhausen (the son of the creator of the DREADED NAZI RAPE MACHINE) remembers a wonderful time in school where he leaves a bunch of animal corpses all over the classroom. His teacher (woman you see here) gets mad and whips the shit out of him. The principal decides to simply suspend him and stay mum about the whole thing...you know, they don't want to have the school's image tarnished in the papers. In the very next scene, we see said principal hung upside down getting his blood drained out...and the teacher in her nightie lying asleep in the middle of a pentagram. You're probably thinking, "I know where this is going..." Hey, it's a Toshio Maeda joint, so of course it's going there! Needless to say, she's tentacled up and lopped in half. You know...the usual.
I wanted to revisit this series, but it took some doing to figure out who to draw. I originally wanted to revisit a few characters I haven't drawn in ages (including the good nurse herself) but wasn't feeling it this time. The flashback in question was left out of my copy of Urotsukidoji II, so I wound up seeing the sequence just recently. I thought the teacher looked fucking HOT in her undies. I definitely wanted to try her out.