auctions… almost – post 65
Okay, I went through all my pictures and made three different piles. One for auctions, one for parody and one for pics of other peoples characters that I should ask before I sell them or maybe just send them the picture. As I was doing this I realized… my art has come along way and… I have a lot of freaking drawings. This s is going to take a bit to get on auction, and I’ll probably do it in phases.
I’ll let you know when the first batch will go up. Also, what the heck am I supposed to do with all the parody pics I’ve drawn. Maybe I’ll have to do some behind closed doors sales or something, or trade for games. I’m always up for trading games. ^_^
But my FurBid is all sorted out so that’s good anyway.
I even found pics that I never finished and forgot about. Maybe I’ll bring them out ad revamp them or something. That might be neat ^_^