Brawl? – post 30

Got Brawl?

I don’t.

Gots no money right now so I’m out in the cold so to speak.

Actually, I’m on the fence about buying it. See, when Melee came out I really wanted it but never had the money to buy (plus I was waiting for it to go cheap but it never did). It fell down the hot list of games for me to buy but I still really wanted it. So I finally got it a few years ago and I did like it but I realized some thing. I don’t have my buddies over to play games and I don’t go to their house any more (I actually don’t have buddies I can go over and visit not that I would have the time) so I played a lot by myself… and I got board with it. I want to play this new one but I’m afraid it’ll end up being the same way. Me being board of it because I really don’t have anyone to play with. Heck, I still don’t have any secret characters unlocked yet!

I know I can play on line, but will that really solve it? I’ll never do any trash talk with the guy next to me because they’ll be across the globe. Plus I usually hate online game play because of the people that have the time play these game like it was their job and then just totally stomp over everyone else. But I do love playing games against others. I’m pretty competitive, but not in a bad way. More in a “aw man! You kicked my ass!… Let’s go again!” I love learning how my opponent beat me so I become a better player. But if I have no one to play against then is it worth it.

Well I have no money right now so it doesn’t really matter (maybe I should start taking commissions again once I get my current list of stuff done). Maybe I should pick up Melee again and get my kicks out of it. It is a fun game and in the end isn’t that what matters?

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