turtle – post 332


In a previous entry I talked about what would I do if my kids found my dirty art in house. I said that won’t happen (I hope) and others mentioned the internet. It was mentioned that my kids would notice my art style and put 2 and 2 together and BAM-O! All secrets would be reviled. Well, not true, this is the style I paint in for work.

Like night and day…

3 Responses to “turtle – post 332”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Wow dude, that is a nicely done turtle. I would have never guessed, had you not told, that that was you. Heres hoping they don’t find this post….

  • Vernon Simmons Says:

    Well, i could imagine as shitty situation. Lets say that later in your life like 10-12 years after this, YOU would realise that your own kid was watching/drawing the stuff you draw. ;D
    That would really make a nice mess. It would most likely go like this.

    JB’s kid:
    Hi daddy, you know what i have been doing lately.

    what son/daughter?

    JB’s kid:
    I’ve been drawing with this fancy style for 3 years. Would you like to see the pics i’ve made.

    (JB’s kid uses badly/well/undescribably horrid done picture…)

    JB: *Head popping sound*

    (…It’s super effective!…)

    *Final fantasy IIV victory tribude*

    I must say, i have talked with my friend of my current situation. And he knows that i like to draw (naughty) furry art, if he’s an asshole and spreads “secrets”… Well i can’t trust him any longer. However in your possition i’d do everything to still held it as a secret. 😀

  • Jesper Andersen Says:

    Hmmm… just out of curiosity, what exactlyis your work?… “I’m painting turtles… doh!”… nah, for real?

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