demakes – post 331

I love Demakes.

If you don’t know what a demake is it’s a remake of a game that is purposefully less then the original. The latest demake to hit the tubes is Guitar Hero for the NES called D-Pad Hero. It plays just like the original only you play with your NES game pad, or keyboard if you don’t have a hackjob NES pad for you PC… and you play on an emulator. Actually, this EXACT game play is found on SNK vs CAPCOM for the NEO GEO Pocket Color. You can play mini games to unlock moves and one of them is with Felicia doing this type of Dance Dance Revolution game only with a D pad. Anyhoo… D-Pad Hero comes with 6 chip tune songs, one of them being Sweet Child o Mine, which is totally a classic in what ever form it’s in.

Since I’m on the topic, I’ll point you in the direction of another demake that I love. GoldenEye from the Nintendo 64… on the GameBoy. Yeah! I love the original GameBoy. If I had a wish, it’d be to make a GameBoy game. So this is totally up my alley. I really recommend it to people as it’s a solid game and a good challenge. Only thing is it needs more levels.

And that’s why I love demakes.

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