little emergency – post 324

So I come home today and discover blood drops on my floor.  I point this out to the other adults and we all stop to see who’s bleeding.  The answer was my beagle Bernard.  Apparently he had injured his dew claw and it was now pointing up and bleeding.  Not a large amount, but enough to leave blood dots as he walked.  The crazy thing is, it looked like it didn’t even bother him as he wasn’t limping or anything.  I quickly got him ready and drove him to the vet.  Once there the vet took him behind closed doors and tended to his claw.  I was told he didn’t rip it off completely, and it will grow back over time.  Bernard’s upper paw was bandaged up and then we came home.

He’s okay but looks funny with his bandage.  He seems to show it off to us as if to say “look, I’ve got a gimpy paw… I deserve a treat.  Maybe a taco or a steak or something”.  Nice try Bernard.  It’s a good thing I’ve got pet insurance on him.

If there is one thing I can tell you people it’s if you have a pet, get pet insurance.  There is nothing worse then having to make a decision about the cost of medical attention for your pet.  It’s worth every penny you’ll put in to it.  Seriously.

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