today – post 322

What did you do today?

My day started with my wife letting me sleep in late (yay!).  I them got up and watched Cars with the kids and then took my daughter to a birthday party.  After the party we came home where I helped clean up the play room and just puttered around helping out with dinner.  Called my Dad when the kids where in the bath and then read stories with my daughter.  Soothed my son back to sleep after he woke up then sat on my ass and watched some tv.  Then made this post.

How about you?  Anything interesting?

2 Responses to “today – post 322”

  • BlueThief Says:

    Let me see, I woke up later than I wanted, but that is per usual for a weekend. Then I went to the University campus for the first touch rugby game of the spring season. It was just sort of a warm up before practice starts. We have about 36 people show up from the Men’s club, the UNM team, and just a bunch of random guys who will probably be joining one of the two teams mentioned once things really get rolling. Then it was home for a quick shower before heading back to the school to get a little work done. I had to learn a new computer program for one of my classes which is awesome to learn it, but sucks because the prof. believes we should already know it. So me and the rest of the class are going to have to make sure he understands that there will be a leaning curve. Then went back home to watch the end of the X-games and now onto the internet to write to you.

    Love your work!

  • lorumar Says:

    all i did was play team fortress 2 all day getting achievments.

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