favorite toy – post 321

Did you have a favorite toy when you where a kid?  A toy you had to take ever where.  I had a stuffed Ernie and I took him all over the place until one day I dropped him and thought that he got hurt so I never took him out again.  I even put a bandage in him to make sure he was okay.  That bandage stayed on him for close to 30 years before I took it off.  Yup, I still have my Ernie.  My daughter has one too that is exactly the same.  I need to get my son one now too but it’s hard to find.  Or maybe a Bert stuffie.

So what was you favorite childhood toy and do you still have it?

One Response to “favorite toy – post 321”

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Definitely my Star Wars figures. They’re all gone now. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have never opened them. Considering how much they’re worth now, I could have sold them and bought a mansion.

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