What I’ve Been Reading

Seeing as it was Free Comic Book Day today, I thought it would be neat to show off books I’ve read over the past month or so.  I’ve learned lots with regards to my art and how I look at it.  The Jim Henson book is especially fantastic and I recommend it to anyone that remembers old school Muppets.  What books are you reading?

5 Responses to “What I’ve Been Reading”

  • Lamar dunlap Says:

    Just finished reading the elements of harmony, one book every brony should have

  • JiveGuru Says:

    Mostly I tend to read a lot of science fiction and fantasy, and I have a tendancy to blast through large series and entire runs of an author’s work when I find someone or something I enjoy.

    I’ve read TONS of stuff. Already more than most people these days ever will read in the rest of their lives.

    I’ve even tried my hand at writing my own, having completed two action/romance/comedy/porn short stories.

    ‘The Monster Under The Bed’ and it’s sequel ‘The Monster On My Mind’.

    I bet you’d get a kick out of them Joe!

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    I picked up a bunch of stuff from my local comic shop on free comic day. They were selling tons of back issues for 25 cents each. I have a lot of reading material for the next few weeks. Right now I’m reading a collection of Phil Foglio’s comics from Dragon magazine.

  • JJ Says:

    Free Comic Book Day always somehow slips my mind…. Every year I remember of its existence (usually due to a post by you), but unvaryingly too late. I’d love to pick up some comics sometime, if for no other reason than to see how they have been treated in the past two decades.

    It really doesn’t matter much, though. My current work requires me to read so much that I loath (a bit of an exaggeration) doing so in my down-time. In the past five years (or so), I’ve read at least (a very rough underestimate) two hundred books. However, the vast majority have been technical books for study/research. Only a literal handful have been for pure enjoyment. It is sad when a job you love ruins (in some respect) a hobby that you love. I used to read voraciously for fun, now it is a pestilence on my leisure. Recently, I’ve made several attempts to read for fun, but they inevitably end in a bookmark becoming a permanent addition to a shelf’s resident. I love books (their feel, their smell, etc…)… I just don’t (can’t?) read them for fun anymore….

  • AGlassOfMilk Says:

    Interesting, lots of disney. I love disneys older works. Not so much a fan of the 3D stuff. All cinema 3D animations look so much alike :S I think handdrawn animations like, aladin, ariella, beauty and beast, mulan and hercules and so on had a bigger variation. Especially if ya include the non disney animations aswell. If ya include non disney 3D animations to the 3D animations that are released now it even gets worse in sense of similarity. I guess one reason is that all 3D engines work pretty much teh same.

    Anyway, the books I read but it’s been some month is one of the best books I have read so far about drawing, called Force by Michael D. Mattesi. I did read alot of books about drawing and animation, but that book still teached me stuff. It’s also really good to understand in the book because the artists style is so expressive.
    Another book I was reading is “drawing from life”. And some years ago I did read “the Animators Survival Kit” and “The Human Figure in Motion”, which are both pretty good. Thought THFiM is only fotos, but extra made for animators (its like video frames split into a single images with all informations like distance and a background grid). And it got good animations aswell, like picking stuff up, carrying stuff, running, walking and so on.

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