It Snowed!!!

Over the last few days it’s been snowing on and off and as of now we have a nice light covering over most things.  Yay!  I love the snow!  I know most people up here complain about it, but I really enjoy it.  It makes everything so pretty and I love being out in the cold, crisp air.  Do you live in a part of the world that gets snow?  If not, have you ever seen real snow?  I can’t imagine not having snow at some point in my year.  I think that would make me sad.

10 Responses to “It Snowed!!!”

  • Michael Says:

    its snowed twice here already, and i’m farther south than you -.- i dislike the snow, because my car is really bad at handling when its slick out. other than that i do really think its pretty, just only when i’m inside where its warm.

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Got our first snow here the other day. Very light, no accumulation. It’ll be back in the 60s this weekend. Bizarre Missouri weather.

  • TheRiddled Says:

    Aah,snow. I may complain when it comes time to move the stuff,but it is indeed pretty stuff. That,and you can actually dress for it,rather than the stupidly hot summers we get up here in the Ottawa Valley.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Another Canadian? Very cool. I used to live in Ottawa when I was going to Algonquin College for animation. My apartment used to be just north of the experimental farm.

      • TheRiddled Says:

        Yup! Canadian like nothing else. I live in the Ottawa Valley,though,not Ottawa proper. A military base a few hours away called Petawawa. Tiny little place. Nothing to see or do.

        Great skiing though.

  • JJ Says:

    I love snow. I think it is partly from being born in a blizzard, and partly from some influence that the Hoth scenes had on me as a child. As an adult, I’m sure that my not having to deal with any of the practical implications has something to do with it as well (I take the bus most everywhere, and the landlord is responsible for cleanup). From time to time my mother probably suspected that I’d frozen to death for as long as I’d play outside in the winter. But building snow-forts and sledding are time consuming and serious business. Plus, shedding all that gear and sitting by a fireplace with a cup of cocoa after being outside for several hours was great too.

    • Michael Says:

      god i know how you feel about Hoth. i think about that every time i walk outside and its snowed lol xD

    • Joe Randel Says:

      I remember playing in the snow and sledding with my cousin for hours at my grandma’s house. We would be out there for hours. Such wonderful memories. ^_^

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