Sleepy Mouse

This is mouse number 4.  So far if would seem that I have a whole trove of mice sleeping in my walls.  I might be drawing mice for a looonnngggg time.

3 Responses to “Sleepy Mouse”

  • JiveGuru Says:

    While that sucks that you have mice, it is a win for us….. cause I’m personally loving these!

  • JJ Says:

    I second Jive’s statement.

    … (here lied something that I regretted writing. It existed for about a minute, but it’s existence deeply impacted its creator psyche. May it rest peacefully in RAM until this computer is shut of for a sufficient amount of time. Ramen!) …

    Not being quite so creepy…. The word trove (at least in my experience) is most commonly appended to treasure (it usually implies something positive, at least). Surely, while these mice are a pest to you, they are of great value to your viewers. An apt choice of words (and a adept use of ‘ink’) on your part.

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