Joe Favorites: Survivor – post 21

I watch Survivor.

There.  I said it.

I’ve watched every year except the first one and every year I say to myself, “Self, I don’t think I’ll watch this year.  They can’t really do anything different.  It’s pretty much the same thing every year now” and yet here I am watching Survivor… again.

I can’t help it.

It just sucks me in.

But you know what.  You know what would make Survivor better?  Uncensored Survivor.  Already I’ve seen blurred boobies and I think that the show could totally draw in more viewers if they showed unblurred boobs and bums.  I honestly believe this.

Oh well.  I recored last nights Survivor and have yet to watch it so NO ONE SAY ANYTHING!

mmmmm Survivor boobies…

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