Space Week: Take Me To Your Leader?

… I’ll take you anywhere… ^_^

4 Responses to “Space Week: Take Me To Your Leader?”

  • infernalperson Says:

    Not sure if no suit or very snug suit. Good either way!

  • JJ Says:

    Gods, I hope she can’t read minds. ‘Cause, if so, she’d very quickly figure out how to (effectively) enslave about 50% of the population.

    • Kitty Says:

      Thats a totally lowball estimate. I’d say more like 75%. meow!

      • JJ Says:

        You’re right. I was being a little (maybe a lot) generous in that guess. Took into account men who might not be interested and women who might be, but really shot low out of … optimism….? Not sure weather I’d welcome sexual overlords or not…. Hopefully they are fair rulers. Whatever the case, she’s hot.

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