Phantastic Pharaoh

It’s good to be queen… er… pharaoh.  Totally rich, you get to live in a palace and you get all the tasty slaves you want.  I hope he doesn’t have to fill that goblet himself.  That would be quite the trick.  ^_^

7 Responses to “Phantastic Pharaoh”

  • sasheskiss Says:

    I would gladly perform back breaking labor to build a statue in her honor.

  • shadow Says:

    I really think this whole string of sketches is amazing. New ideas, new styles, new characters. Every one is just, so, good.

  • JiveGuru Says:

    Cool pic! I looove it!

    Although, she would technically still be a Queen.
    I’ve never heard of Pharaoh Cleopatra, after all.

    • JJ Says:

      Actually, she was a pharaoh. Pretty sure she was the last one, too (it’s been many, many years since I took ancient history). If I’m remembering correctly, there were several others as well.

  • mattys123 Says:

    Please fully ink and colour this! So hot!

    • Joe Randel Says:

      I don’t know if I’ll finish this one, but I am curious about this character. I do think I’ll draw more of her for sure. ^_^

  • JJ Says:

    Funny how attention can blind one to certain details. I didn’t even notice what was being poured into the goblet, until I read you description.

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