Tink’s Behind

Looks like Tinkerbell is on the docket today.  You could even call this Tink Thursday.  Although Tink Tuesday sounds better.  Oh well, regardless of the day Tinkerbell is always a welcome sight in my books.

I find that I’m thinking more and more about looking in to seeing what it takes to get my art in a Disney store.  My only concern is if they find out about my… um… extra curricular drawings.  I’m sure they wouldn’t be impressed.  Or maybe they would.  Who knows! If not though… I can draw Tinkerbell with clothes on if that’s what you fancy.

See, it’s all good.  You know… seeing this makes me think I didn’t draw her rump/hips big enough.  I’ll have to go over my folio and make sure I didn’t make the same mistake there too.

2 Responses to “Tink’s Behind”

  • JJ Says:

    I love this sketch. It seems like a very classic pose and is fairly tasteful.

    About the Disney store thing…. I’d actually bet that most of the artists would be very welcoming of your ‘side-projects,’ but would be restricted from admitting it. Diz has a rep to uphold, after all ( not that that means much). I have little doubt ( especially given what you have shown from the D-store) that you work could be accepted there. If that is what you want, don’t lose hope.

  • Zafo Says:

    Those are awsome.
    I hope that one day you will find time to color those 🙂 Atleast nude version.

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