Happy Harpy

After I drew my Medusa picture from a while back, I was eager to draw other creatures from Greek mythology.  Sadly, that never happened.  If I was going to draw one now, it would be the harpy.  The idea of a cute bird girl really appeals to me some how.  What made Medusa so great was the joke that went along with it.  For the life of me, I can’t think or find a good joke to go with a Harpy.  So instead I’ll just deliver a cute one. ^_^

I wonder what other mythical  lady creatures there are other then harpies.  Mermaids… um…  and… ummm…  that’s all I got.  A little help, anyone?

15 Responses to “Happy Harpy”

  • Michael Says:

    well, i know of a bird girl from a cartoon that i think you should draw pictures of the characters from it. Alfred Hedgehog. other than that, um… female mythological creatures… Succubus? you know, the female devil looking thingies? um… thats all i got 🙁

  • lamar dunlap Says:

    You could draw a siren

  • shadow Says:

    Satyrs, Succubi, Lilith, Sphinx, Valkyrie… plenty of other more contemporary creatures, like elves or dwarves. There’s always something a little more disney-esque as mermaids are always a good fallback.

  • JJ Says:

    Uh… Grendel’s mom? Might not be pretty, but couldn’t really think of much else that wasn’t already suggested. Many of the goddesses/demis from various religions might make interesting pics. Deities tend to have weird powers and be temperamental.

    Nice job with this one. She is very cute. However, those talons don’t look too inviting. Would hate to see what she does with them when she’s excited.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Grendel’s mom? Who is that? I’m intrigued. I like a good challenge. ^_^

      • mattys123 Says:

        She is the evil woman from Beowolf played by Angelina Jolie.

        • JJ Says:

          Never seen the film, so really don’t know how they handled her. Something that may make her a challenge is that there is little consensus on what exactly she is. Though, that may give one more artistic leeway when portraying her.

  • Kitty Says:

    I must say I’m enjoying these 🙂

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Circe, the sorceress who turned men into pigs from ‘The Odyssey’. You could draw her as a cute pig girl.

  • mattys123 Says:

    Valkyrie would be awesomely hot! However she wouldn’t be an “exotic character”, i don’t think that matters though.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    If you really want to get wild, there’s always the minotaur and centaur.

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