Vagina Pastry

During my usual travels around the internet I came across a rather amusing discovery.  It seems that a strawberry pastry in Japan is getting some internet attention for looking like… umm… well… like a vagina.

Not just one though.  A whole bunch of them!  The treat is called a cherry blossom and is supposed to resemble a flower.  I found this on Kotaku and I think it’s funny that they have to put up NSFW warnings and such because it really does look like lady parts.  So much so, they have to be concerned that people will get offended.

After this I decoded to look for other things that resembled vaginas.  I was surprised to see (although I shouldn’t be) a whole tumblr dedicated to the subject.  Called, Things That Look Like Vaginas.  Okay, so it’s only two pages, but hey… it’s a start.

3 Responses to “Vagina Pastry”

  • John M Hanna Says:

    So when you’re done eating one of these, do you wipe your mouth with a serviette or a tampon?

  • JJ Says:

    There is no reasonable way that the people behind this product could release it without recognizing the resemblance (I would not at all be shocked to find that it was a covertly intentional). Even if they were so biased by their thoughts on what it was intended to look like, there must have been someone who said “damn, that looks like a pussy.” I get how arranging them in that fashion is supposed to mimic sakura, but it looks way more like a selection of different ladies’ parts.

    Is that girl on the package crying? I can’t quite tell, given the resolution. If so, are they tears of joy at giving the consumer something so precious, or is she sad at the prospect of giving her cherry blossom away?

    Also, is strawberry cream bread is popular in Japan? Because I’m not seeing the connection between strawberry and sakura blossoms. Maybe there are a variety of flavors available, and the strawberry just happened to look most… floral(?).

    • Oomu Says:

      Of course it’s intentional, it’s Japan.

      And the drawn girl is in a classical shy and happy crying pose. Maybe having received an important gift. You see the trope.

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