Vanellope’s Candy Stash

Ta-Da!  Look what I was able to finish before the end of the year!  I’m so glad too because I really liked the idea for this pic.  I just love skirt hikes, and this one would be just too good to pass up.  I mean… she’s already candy themed so the candy canes fit perfectly.  Looks like I need to move on to a messy picture now too, plus I should have post-Christmas post soon too.  Take Care everyone!

18 Responses to “Vanellope’s Candy Stash”

  • shadow Says:

    Everything I’d hoped for. Now my mind is racing with anticipation for that messy pic.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      She was a challenge to draw to be honest, Far tougher then I expected for sure. I was worried that I wouldn’t get her model quite right. I do feel like I didn’t get her attitude though. Might have to work on that.

  • infernalperson Says:

    She definitely likes her candy. Cute pic, I like the skirt-lift as well.

  • JJ Says:

    Very nice pic. Not so sure about the pun, though…. Looks like her stash is starting to run a bit short. Someone needs to help her restock.

  • ThaMan Says:

    Sorry, man.

    As much as I like your art, and trust me when I say this is quality work, I have to hide my eyes from this one.

    Vanellope is on my list of characters too cute and adorable for Rule34.

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas and I hope you have a great New Year.

  • Zafo Says:

    I just wacthed wreck it ralph (better late then never:) and its awsome movei
    Im with ThaMan on this one thou.
    She is just to adorable and awsome for rule 34.
    But i still love your work man 🙂

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Oh man… you too? Did I miss the mark by doing a Vanellope pic? Dang… I’m going to have to start to rethink who I draw from now on.

      • fkac Says:

        Don’t listen to them ;A;

      • Zafo Says:

        Dont worry about it 🙂
        Besides, why would shes stash her candy there when
        she lives in a world made of candy?

      • Nymousano Says:

        Don´t take it too personally what ThaMan and Zafo wrote. They just said that they don´t like 34 with this character (what´s their good right), but that doesn´t mean you shouldn´t draw more pics with Vanellope. I, for once, like it very much, and I´m not the only one. ^^

  • ZeroSeven Says:

    Personally I’m all for good porn of cute and adorable characters. It might not tickle everyones fancy, but that shouldn’t stop you from it in the future. Just remember you can’t make everybody happy

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I’m gonna give this one the big ole thumbs up! Indeed, the thoughts of a messy pic are intriguing!

    Pretty much what ZeroSeven says is true. Besides, I tend to think of video game characters, like Vanellope here, are comparable the Kokiri from Legend of Zelda. Just because they look all cute and cuddly, doesn’t mean they are ‘young’. I mean, they don’t age physically and they have to keep their race going somehow…

  • Brew Says:

    We need more Good Vanellope like this. Damn, that’s horny!!!! Good job making her look this way.

  • QWERT Says:

    do more of vanellope there awsm

  • Josh Says:

    Well, when her game was released in 97, she was nine. That was fifteen (well, sixteen now) years ago. So by now she’s in her mid-20’s, easily legal… but stuck with a gradeschool body. On top of that, she’s surrounded by girls, and the three boys around, they’re probably all hung like tootsie-rolls (and the blonde one’s probably gay for the one with the pumpkin-hat anyway). Surprised she’s not already gone through so many candy-canes (in the not-for-eating sense) that her crotch has turned stripey.

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