It’s Stuck in My Head

For the past three or four days I’ve had this song suck in my head.  It’s called Heterosexual Man by a Canadian band called The Odds.  It came out in 1993 so it’s damn near close to 20 years old.  Holy crap!  I had no idea it was that old… now I feel really old. o_O  Anyway, I just can’t get this out of my damn head.  I find myself head bobbing to the beat with out even realizing it throughout my day.  It’s there when I wake up, as I work and when I relax in the evening and it’s starting to get a little old.  Oh well, at the very least I can say I’ve taught you a little about Canadian alternative rock from the 90’s.

You’re welcome.

3 Responses to “It’s Stuck in My Head”

  • Mike Says:

    hey its the same age as me. that means i have to listen to it now. and then have it hopefully not get stuck in my head for four days.

  • JJ Says:

    For a moment, I had to pause to make sure that your 20 year claim was right. I can’t believe that it has been this long since KitH were a thing (it remains a favorite of mine). I might have missed their cameos, but I didn’t catch Bruce or Scott in the vid. While I can’t say I’ve heard the song before, I can say that you successfully got a song stuck in my head. I was trying to think of this song, and couldn’t recall the melody. What came to mind instead was The Allman Brothers’ “Ramblin’ Man.” So… thanks for that.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I’ve been listening to Canadian rock band Rush since the 1980s. Don’t talk to me about feeling old whippersnapper.

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