almost done – post 282

Just received termination papers stating that I have one month left with my studio… then it all goes tits up shortly after that… unless a miracle happens.

Gonna have to sell a lot of commissions to make up the money.

Maybe I’ll make a pay site.


4 Responses to “almost done – post 282”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Oh no. I’m sorry to hear that man. You stated in an earlier post that you might have an opportunity, maybe they can help? I will keep you in my prayers and hope things work out.

  • MIke Says:

    What a crappy way to spend the holidays. I hope you find a new job soon and that this isnt to much off a strain on your family.

    Good luck.

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Its tough all over Joe. My Christmas bonus this year is that I’ll hopefully stiil have a job the next.

  • Niss Says:


    My Applebees might shut down soon i guess. which is funny considering its a incorporated establishment.

    well Video Games are big in… japan… >_>

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