Painball Outting

Today I went out paint balling with my brother-in-law and a bunch of his friends for his birthday.  It’s normally not really my thing to do.  I’m not very athletic… I mean… I sit at a desk for 8 hours a day.  I’m not an aggressive person nor do I care for first person shooters.  Oh, I also don’t care to get shot at.  But even with all that, I still had fun. 

I don’t own any equipment, I just use the rental stuff.  Which I think works out better because those that owned their own guns seemed to have issues with them, while the rentals worked great.  We where also the only ones in the own area.  It had snowed a bit the night before and was quite chilly so we got everything to ourselves, because who really goes paint balling in the winter?  We where only six people so the matches where over quick, but we got lots of play time in (4 hours!).  The only thing that sucked about the outing was my face mask kept fogging up.  Those of use with glasses seemed to have this issue more than the others.  We generally had to take a break every other match so we could wipe them up because it would get so bad that would couldn’t see a thing.

I did manage to get some good shots off though during the battles.  I shot some one right between the eyes one match.  He was in the second floor of a building and I was behind a busted old car.  I could see him by a window and a hole in the roof as we traded shots back and forth for a minute or so.  I had him pretty well pinned down in there and soon enough he said that he’d been hit.  I got hit a few minutes later and it was in the dead zone that he pointed out that I totally head shot him.  He then complimented me on my aim.  Another time I was waiting for someone to run out of a one room structure.  When he popped out I totally shot him in the sack.  I wasn’t aiming to do so, I just squeezed off a couple of shots and managed to get him.  It was his first time playing and I felt so bad for shooting him in the junk.  I apologized many times.

I also managed to hold down a small area with no paint.  I ran out of ammo and my team was “respawning” after taking a few hits.  So squatted down by some oil drums and wing of a plane and fired of rounds of air (which sounds like I’m really shooting… and missing) and was able to scare off the enemy until my team got back.  I found an image of the paint ball field (above) so I posted it so you have a point of reference (the top image is also of the field I was in).  I did end up getting pinned down and shot in the end.

Over all it was lots of fun.  I have one or two bruises, only my one knee is sore from something I don’t remember and I’m only a bit stiff from running around.  I do feel like it’s sort of slap in the face though to those that actually went to war.  They saw horrors no one should see or go through.  Lost family, friends and now suffer with the trauma of war for year to come… and here I am shooting my friends for fun.  Just seems a bit odd to me.

Anyone else out there paint ball fans?

4 Responses to “Painball Outting”

  • Michael Says:

    i love paint balling. went a couple times last year but didnt get the chance this year 🙁 . i have been shot in the neck before, which sucks royally, but i’ve never been hit anywhere that hurt other than that. i think that my favorite paintball experience ever was the time that i took out three people by myself. they were inside a three story building thats shaped like a castle. i took one of them out while i was outside, and then the other two got my two teammates to “surrender” so i was alone. i didnt see either of them, so i simply walked into the building, turned the corner, shot the dude on the stairs in the elbow before he even noticed me, and then basically unloaded my gun on the other person (who happened to be my girlfriend i’m afraid to say… she wasnt to happy with me after that match. i hit her like three times… ^.^’ )

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    Went paintballing for my younger brother’s bachelor party about 1 1/2 years back. First time I’d been, and had a blast.

    I was rather stingy with my ammo though, as $20 for a refill of 100 pellets just seemed rather expensive. Didn’t stop others from doing so 3+ times over the afternoon though…

    Got my fair share of bruises, though they didn’t feel half as bad as they looked! Gave as good as I got too, getting in some good flanking shots whilst lying down in a ditch and popping up to take potshots at the other team up near their end of the field.

    And tangentially related, one of the webcomics I read happens to be – a somewhat paintball related furry strip. Well worth the read.

  • JJ Says:

    While I do enjoy paintball, I haven’t had many chances to do it in recent years. While I know that it is not as ‘realistic’ as paintball, I much prefer laser-tag type games–no bruised junk possible.

    You said that you’re not an aggressive person, did you find that playing paintball brought out a more aggressive side? The reason I ask is that I tend to be a very laid-back person when it comes to most things, but for some reason competitive battle simulation games bring out a side of me that would shock most people who know me (it actually surprised me the first few times). This is true even in FPSs. I once gibbed my own teammate because he wasn’t very good and I needed his vehicle. To be fair, I warned him that I would if he didn’t get out–it was douchey nonetheless. Normally, I would never act that way, but something about these types of games makes me hyper-competetive. I have to make a conscious effort to restrain my aggression. Just wonder if other usually easy-going people have similar experiences.

  • Max Pinkton Says:

    I absolutely like the game of paint ball! Me and my brother cannot wait to go this next weekend. I had a fantastic time balling yesterday.

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