I Stink

The other day at work… I totally farted.  Normally I don’t do that right at my desk.  I’ll go to the washroom and cut one in  there.  It’s a more suitable place.  But this particular time I was at my desk and thought I could just squeak one out.  It was lunch time and no one was around so I thought I’d be safe.  Boy was I wrong.  I can’t believe how bad I stunk!  It was easily one of the most foul smells to come out of my body.  That’s when others came back from picking up their lunch.  No one said anything, but I don’t know how you could have missed it.  My only hope was that no one would come over and talk to me in my stick cloud.  Lucky, no one did.  Ugh… next time I’ll make sure to excuse myself to the bathroom to avoid any embarrassment.

Have you tried to sneak one only to get caught or have it just really stick up the joint?

2 Responses to “I Stink”

  • John M Hanna Says:

    When I went to see ‘Skyfall’ the other day, I had some bad gas. Fortunately it was a morning showing (its cheaper) and there weren’t many people in the theater. I was able to keep it contained to my row.

  • JJ Says:

    Yeah… I was a bit gaseous at work the other week, and I thought that my officemates were out for a while. Let one out before going down the hall to get something from the printer. When I came back, was surprised to see one of my officemates had returned. Not sure if he noticed, but it hadn’t completely dispersed by the time I got back. I was just hoping that either the smell of coffee and office supplies masked the smell enough, or that he didn’t associate it with me. Either way, he didn’t mention it.

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