Moving Out

A friend of mine has recently bought a house and will be moving out on his own for the first time.  Myself and others have tried to help him prepare by giving him tips on what to expect when owning your own home.  Most have turned out to be funny stories about the things we’ve missed buying when stocking up the house.  Like light bulbs, towels and linens, shower curtain, garbage pail and broom.  I remember realizing that I didn’t own a plunger when my toilet got clogged… at 11 pm… and no stores where open.  Yeah… that was a treat.

Tools and such aren’t as bad.  You can usually go buy a full set of what ever pack of tools you need these days.  Just remember to buy a tool box to put it all in.  Handyman books can come in… um… handy too. ^_^  A lawnmower and hose are two things that can easily be forgotten until needed, but it’s not like it’ll be an emergency when you need one.  You’re house just might look like a grow-op for a bit.

Yeah, it’s always the little things that you take for granted until you miss them in your new place.  You’ll never forget to buy a stove, kitchen table or a couch.  They might be down on the list of things to get later because outfitting a house can get expensive.  But the day you realize you don’t have a can opener or steak knives… yeah… you’ll understand then.  Any amusing stories of things you missed the first time on your own?

One Response to “Moving Out”

  • JJ Says:

    A bed. May sound strange, but when I moved out of the dorms, I moved in with some college buddies. We rented a house, and I had no bed. Fortunately (I guess), someone had left a mattress hidden away in the basement. I worked well enough. Though, I cringe to think what that mattress went through before it came under my care. Best to not consider such things….

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