Catch Phrase

I think most of us have a catch phrase.  You might not realize it though.  It’s quite possible that you say it all the time, not even aware of it.  This week I’ve caught myself saying “holy crow”… a lot.  Then as I thought about it more, I found that I say  “that’s crazy” or “that’s crazy town” as well.  I hope that I don’t say them enough that it’s annoying to others though.  No one’s ever said anything, not that I think that anyone would.  I think it’s amusing when you discover others favorite saying.  I’ve known others to say, “ha! I kill me”, “that’s garbage”, “your face is *fill in blank*” or “I will stab you in the cock”.  After a while though everyone’s phrase will fade away to make way for a new saying.

What’s your catch phrase?  Or do you know someone who says theirs a lot?

10 Responses to “Catch Phrase”

  • -MMM- Says:

    Mine is a rather unprintable Russian phrase concerning marital relations with one’s mother, usually muttered under one’s breath. 😉

  • John M Hanna Says:

    My current catch phrase is “What a surprise.” With my ongoing bout of lousy luck, it just seems to be the only thing I can say when things, once again, don’t go my way.

  • DMajorBoss Says:



  • Riddle78 Says:

    My catch phrase is either “Touche” or “Indeed”. The first whenever I’m proven wrong,the second whenever I’m agreeing with someone.

    God,I’m boring.

  • Humbird0 Says:

    When I say hello to someone, I often say “Greetles…”

    No particular reason. It’s just a kind of random mix between “Greetings” and “Skittles.”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I watch a lot of anime, so every now and again I will catch myself cursing in Japanese. Most time I don’t even realize I’m doing it until someone says “What?”

  • Nymousano Says:

    “Geez cutting fries”. ^^

  • Nymousano Says:

    Also, meanwhile I caught myself saying “What the hay”, as in “Friendship Is Magic”… ^^;

  • JJ Says:

    I have quite a potty mouth in my personal life. So much so that I’ve had to train myself to use alternate ‘safe’ phrases in public/at work (occasionally, I’ll slip one out, but it is infrequent). Not sure if they count as catch phrases, but they are (mostly) ones that I’ve come up with for myself. Now, the phrases are synonymous with the more unacceptable versions, but they don’t offend people as often. Guess that is something that I’ll never understand. Why two words can have exactly the same meaning and force behind them, but people will be taken aback by hearing the one and chuckle at the other. Ah, human psychology is a wondrous thing.

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