
Do you swear?  Do you swear a lot?  I don’t swear.  I don’t know why really.  It’s just something I don’t care to do.  Well, the odd word might come out if I’m super pissed off or something.  But it’s such a rare instance that people usually stare at me with mouths open, totally shocked by my cursing.  What I find amusing are the people who can’t go two words without dropping an f-bomb.  Do you know anyone like that?  Are you someone who can’t help but swear every other word?

If you are some one that swears a lot, have you ever tried to stop swearing?  What is it that prompts you to swear so much?  I find that if I do curse, it sounds strange and goofy.  Like I probably could have made the same point or gotten that laugh with out sounding like a sailor.  I don’t know about you, but it’s just something I’m not comfortable with doing.  I don’t care if you swear while we’re talking.  I’m totally fine with that.  Just don’t swear around my family please.

10 Responses to “%#$@!”

  • JiveGuru Says:

    I swear sometimes, though it’s not a regular occurrence and when I’m at work or in public I tend to watch my language. Enough so that if I DO happen to let slip while at work I get the same reaction of “Oh my god! you swore?!?” out of people.

    And yeah I know a guy at my work who uses the word Fuck or Fickin’ as puctuation in every sentence he ever speaks… I tried counting them once, he said it 43 times in less than 6 minutes… then I gave up LOL

    • Kitty Says:

      I’m the same way, I almost never swear, and usually, its if I hurt myself..or other stupid things like dropping something, and even then its a milder swear word (crap)
      I do find myself saying Fan in swedish (pronounced fawn) and that is a swedish cussword, albeit a very mild one.

  • Michael Says:

    well, i can swear relatively frequently, but i can put sentences together without doing it and i dont in front of children, parental units, grand-parental units, or people who go to my church. or basically anyone in my family. but my friends dont find it strange when i do it.

    it mostly happens when i’m mad or surprised though.

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    I mostly reserve swearing for times when the shit has hit the fan; and even then it’s usually muttering to myself as I try to deal with the situation like a chicken with it’s head cut off. That, or I can’t find any other words strong enough to voice my displeasure when something has royally upset me.

    The rest of the time, I’m much more mild, and even a little creative at times. Stuff like bugger/arse/fudge/fudgemonkies/dammit/crap or the like, used for minor annoyances or mistakes I’ve made, and always in a much more light-hearted tone that’s more exclamation than expletive.

    Practically always to myself though, and never around kids or the like – they’re subjected to enough of that from other people and the media out there as it is.

  • Osprey Says:

    I try and substitute swear words with more friendly alternatives. Like “Fudge Nuggets”, “Feck”, and “Schnitzel”. I tend to sway towards the pun and phonetic similars for added humor.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Michael has pretty much summed swearing up for me as well. Though on occasion I have been known to drop the F-bomb in instances like when I stub my toe, or step on a lego…

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Having been in the military, swearing is almost a second language to me. I do tend to watch my mouth in public though. I save my real hardcore cursing for idiots I see on TV.

  • Nymousano Says:

    FUCK!!!, now [i]that´s[/i] an interesting question, for Pete´s sake! In the name of Celestia, I swear I rarely swear. Geez Louise, it don´t even make sense to me that some ppl. can´t say one fucking sentence without using any odd words; I mean, what´s all the shit about using curses and stuff? Geez cutting fries, here´s hoping I´ll [i]never[/i] talk like this, by all in Equestria!

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