Family Day – post 10

Happy Family Day!

So if you live in Ontario then you know that today we had a new holiday this year for today.  It was Family Day.  Now I’m all for a new reason to not go to work but it seemed a bit of a joke really.  I mean to have Family Day near the end Feb when the weather is crappy and/or cold so you can’t really go out and enjoy the outside with your family, then to make it an actual holiday so stores are closed and you can’t do anything seems a bit odd.  But meh…

So what did I do?  Spent time with the family of course.  Made banana, chocolate pancakes for breakfast.  Played with the kids.  Cleaned out the fish tank (they’re family too) and my wife made a full turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, veggie and an apple crumble pie.  Yum. ^_^

Not bad for a first ever Family day.  The weather sucked but you can only do so much.

What did you do for Family Day ^_^

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