Peter Pan Sexiness

The other day I noticed that we had borrowed the Disney classic Peter Pan from a friend.  It occurred to me that I had never seen the original Peter Pan in it’s entirety.  I’ve seen clips of it over the years but never the whole thing.  Well, I figured that since I’m doing a Tinkerbell folio (trying to at any rate) that I should watch it and see the original Tink in action.  While I did expect to see a different Tinkerbell from the current CG movies, I was shocked just how different she was.  Not only that, but the over all sexiness that was put in to the movie as a whole.  I took a bunch of screen shots of what I thought where the cutest and sexiest moments of the film.  Follow the link to see what I snapped.

The original move was shown in 1953 and apparently you could get away with putting a lot more sex appeal in animated movies.  Right off the top, Tinkerbell is a pretty attractive character in a skimpy outfit.  I do love that they gave her such large hips and cute arse.

This was an early scene where Peter and Tink are looking for his shadow in Wendy’s home.  She notices a hand mirror on a table and stops to check it out.

What happens next is something I didn’t expect but was happy to watch.

She begins to look at herself in the mirror.

Then she does this adorable turn around and admires her wings.This was the first of many Tink up skirts as you can see a slight panty line.

She finally runs her hands down her waist and checks out her butt in the mirror too.

She’s actually not that impressed at the size of her hips/butt.

At one point Tink gets stuck in a drawer and tried to get out, but her hips keep her from escaping.  I couldn’t help but smile at, not just the obvious panty shot, but the fact that the animators want us to look right up her skirt.

Of course there is the famous scene where Pan spanks Tink for her pixie dust.  Classic! ^_^

In a previous post I said that Disney has two Tinks.   I couldn’t have been more right.  In this scene, Peter learns that not only did Tinkerbell try to trick the lost boys in to killing Wendy, but she openly admits it!

Mermaid Cove was another very sexy scene in the film.  Just like Fantasia’s centaur characters, the mermaids had very little to wear and in some cases only used their hair to cover themselves.

Oh yeah, even Wendy had a quick skirt lift moment in the film.

I simply loved how cute the mermaids where. ^_^

Seriously?  Topless mermaids in Peter Pan?  Why the hell did I never watch this as a kid?

I would have loved for this scene to take a different turn then what happened in the movie if you catch my drift.

This one seems to be an early design for Ariel.

To be honest, when I look at these mermaids, I can’t help but think of Bruce Timm’s girls.  Such a classic, retro girly design.  I just love it!

Saddly, the Mermaids also try to kill Wendy by trying to drown her.  They’re jealous of the fact that Pan has an interest in this new girl.

When the mermaids can’t pull Wendy off the rock they resort to just splashing her.  So yeah, up skirt and panty shots, semi nudity and openly admitting to attempted murder.  Just some of the things you can find in 1950’s Disney cartoons.

24 Responses to “Peter Pan Sexiness”

  • infernalperson Says:

    Really nice captures, this old film looks great when you don’t have to hit pause on VHS to get a still image.

  • JJ Says:

    Seriously, this is the only Tink I know. She is totally a sex symbol, and Diz is not limited to just her. Check Fantasia for other ‘risqué’ ( by today’s standards) animation.

    I love Tink. And I love Diz for Tink. Too bad we live in a more ‘reserved’ age.

    P.S. I really look forward to your portfolio.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      I too am also looking forward to my folio. ^_^ I totally remember Fantasia from when I was young and seeing those centaurettes. They’re so damn cute, but I doubt Disney talks about them anymore. Too bad.

      • JJ Says:

        Alright, I was reminded of this clip the other day, and it made me think of this post. Wasn’t sure how to bring it up, or where to put it, so here it goes.

        As far as semi-adult themes in semi-kids cartoons, I think Cartoon Network is the most progressive (though, given how WB cartoons used to be back in the day, I guess it might be regressive). I try to catch Adventure Time whenever I can, and occasionally catch some of the other afternoon/evening shows. I caught this clip of Gumball that goes somewhat against the idea that kids’ cartoons are becoming totally anti-any-type-of-sexuality. I was actually surprised to see this on an afternoon ‘kids’ show. Here is a crappy version of the clip:

        There are several ‘up-skirt’ shots. While it may be that those are supposed to be bloomers, the fact that it is a boy ‘cross-dressing’ (not sure if a uniform can be considered cross-dressing) and that it looks as though he is wearing a thong in some of the shots came as a bit of a surprise to me (old WB Bugs Bunny cartoons came to mind, when I first saw it). Anyway, I was wondering what other people thought of this, given this discussion (just hope someone sees it).

  • DMajorBoss Says:

    I remember that there were bare breasts (with nipples) in the Fantasia movie. But, yeah, it’s interesting to see some of these movies again as an adult. You really start to notice subtle things all over…well, maybe some things aren’t so subtle.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      I think we looked at them more innocently as kids and so might not take in the fact that there is “questionable content”. Adults are more vocal about these things. The funny thing is, those adults would have been the kids seeing those cartoons way back in the day. I wonder what happened to them to make them more opposed to cartoon sexiness?

  • Kitty Says:

    I think Tink’s “Dress” is supposed to be more of a leotard like the ones used in ice skating, so pantie shots were okay 😉 I loved Tink as a kid, and frankly that is the only Tink I know.
    Disney used to use live models and I remember seeing a video about Tinks model, Here is a bit about it but not the exact one I was looking for, I think its why the original Tink is so sexy, she’s based off a real woman!

    • JJ Says:

      That clip was great! I love how they had huge props for the Tink model to use.

      Also, even if her dress is supposed to be leotard-like, her panties are a different color, so it makes it hard to look at it as a one-piece. Bloomers, maybe. But there still is a clear focus on her backside that I just can’t see happening in most of today’s ‘child-friendly’ films.

      • Kitty Says:

        Too true! Then again Barbara Eden had to cover up her belly button in I dream of Jeannie….But perhaps the whole fact that Tink is a drawn fairy that made it okay.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      That clip was fantastic. My wife and I watched it and loved it! I does harken back to my animation lessons and how they did things back in the golden age of animation. I believe that all the Disney ladies are sexy because they’re based off real women. The animators where able to see the subtle actions of the actors and put them in to the characters. Simply wonderful!

      • Kitty Says:

        I remember seeing a more in depth bit JUST about Tinkerbell but I could not find it….
        I love how cute Tink is, too bad about her actual attitude 😛 Judging a a book by its cover could get you burned in this instance

  • Oomu Says:

    The novel Peter Pan is not a so happy happy story.

    Tinkerbell has extreme feeling. In fact she can only have extreme feeling : loving a lot, hating a lot, having huge jalousy or immense despair.

    Maybe you will be interested by Tinkerbell as the French artist Loisel drawn her in his comic adaptation of Peter Pan : she is quite sexy and well endowed 🙂

    Women are always very feminine and lovely animated in Disney movies, since the start.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      I’ve never read the original. I probably should. One shouldn’t shy away from classic literature. I like that artists version of Tinkerbell (very cute indeed), but I must say that I prefer the Disney version better. ^_^

  • ktk Says:

    I think it just shows how much western society is backsliding when it comes to ‘the children omg!’ All this (excellent) stuff in Peter Pan would be trivial nothing if it weren’t for the fact that everything today has to be carefully and modestly handled lest some PTA-type get up in arms. So sad!

    Both Tinks are great.

  • Frankguru Says:

    Joe, if you like the designs of the mermaids you need to check out Disney animator Fred Moore. He also did the centaurs for Fantasia.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    So many people freak out these days when they see something objectionable in a kids cartoon. If they think this stuff is naughty, they should see some pre Hayes Code cartoons from the 1930s.

  • JiveGuru Says:

    I like the design of the original Tink, but I hate her character, she attempts murder 3 times and is a general bitch I think.

    Also racism! You can find that too!

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Oh she’s a total bitch… then Disney made her a mascot. ^_^ As for the racism, the whole “Indian” portion was in such bad taste it’s absurd. But, being of Mohawk decent, I was able to laugh at it because it was so badly done. ^_^

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