
Who here likes camping?  Anyone… anyone?  My family and I go once a year during the summer.  Not a long camping trip mind you.  Four days is about average for us.  Oh and we don’t trek out to the middle of nowhere, we go to the provincial parks in our area and camp there.  They have flush toilet stations scattered about and proper beaches too so it’s not hardcore roughing it.  Friends of ours took us out hardcore camping one year.  They drove us so far North in to the sticks I didn’t think I’d see civilization again.  We couldn’t even get a radio station!  No sir, not for me.  I can barley handle regular camping most of the time.  I don’t care for the outdoors much.  Too much dirt and… outdoor stuff.  But I go because my family really enjoys it.  I would never stay home and let them go with out me.

Do you enjoy camping and if so, how hardcore are you?

5 Responses to “Camping”

  • Mike Says:

    well, i’ve never really roughed it before, but i have gone to south dakota and spent a week helping poor people. we still had electricity and toilets and all that, but there wasnt any air conditioning. and i spent one night of that week in a tepee. that was cool.

  • Phil Says:

    My first memory of camping is from the inside of a lid-less Igloo ice chest riding in a canoe. I was about 5 I think.
    Our family went camping 5, 6 sometimes as many as 10 times a year for most of my childhood and into high school. We camped when it was 100 deg F, we camped when it was snowing, we camped in parks that got flooded so bad we lost a car and had to be rescued from a tree. We have camped with fully loaded trailers including everything but a TV set (parents prohibited TV sets on camping trips) and even left town for a two night trip with nothing but the clothing on our backs and a bag of charcoal. Camping has been fun and hell and fun and glorious! I still go at least once a year and I’m in my 50’s now. Camping is all about bugs and dirt, too little water and too much. Camping is finding out you don’t need 8 lawn chairs and you’ve left your sleeping bag in the garage. Camping is the fantastic discovery that both your Mom and your Dad packed enough food for everyone -each- and there’s double rations of everything all weekend. Camping is ants got into all your food and you spend the afternoon hand-picking them out so you can have something to eat for dinner. Camping is walking as far as you can to “escape” other people only to find you are 50 feet from a farmer’s barn and his cows use the idyllic grotto you selected for your camp site as their watering hole on their way back to the barn.
    I have lost girlfriends on account of introducing them to camping. I have made some life-long friends while camping. Camping is the only subject that my estranged parents have spoken of to each other in the almost 40 years they have been apart. Shortest trip: paid at the park entrance only to return home the same afternoon (sick family member), Longest trip: 14 days at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron New Mexico.
    Camping sucks. In a good/bad sorta way. 🙂

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I once ‘camped’ in the desert for eight months. Mind you I was in the army and the desert was in Saudi Arabia. Since then I have avoided being out in the elements.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I have been camping before and I really like camping, but it has been such a long time since I have been. The last time I went camping, it was the first day of snow, sometime in December I think. Snow camping is the best! Playing in the snow all day, then warming up next to the fire with some hot cocoa and s’mores at night. When I went I had a tent, an air mattress, and about 5 blankets. I guess you could call that ‘roughing it’, but I’m not lying when I say that was some of the best sleep I have ever got. The peaceful quiet of the outdoors mixed with the chill of the winter night…. oh man I want to go again so bad!!

  • mattys123 Says:

    Im off camping every weekend for the next 7 weeks, i work up at the local camp site and i go and stay over 😀

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