Pony Fighter

I don’t know about you, but I love indie games.  I love that we can now have awesome games made buy people that love gaming rather then large companies.  These small gems can be even better and/or gain more attention then even the larger titles.  I always amazes me the level of quality and perfection that one can put into something they’re passionate about.  The latest indie title I’m very impressed with is the My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic game in development by Mane6 using 2d Fighter Maker 2002.  I mean, if I didn’t say anything, you’d probably think this was an official game and not a fan made one.  It’s pretty damn crazy with it’s twitch style fighting akin to Capcom’s VS. series.  I would totally play this as it looks like a ton of fun and the animations are top notch for sure.  As is the ponies attacks and supers.  It’s not done yet, but when it is it’ll have a roster of 17 ponies which is pretty damn impressive.  The lower clip is a full 2 hours of that game as it currently is.  You can see the Street Fighter 4 inspired character portraits

Since we’re on the topic of ponies.  What’s everyone’s opinion of pony art being delivered in my typical naughty fashion?  Or is everyone on pony overload?

13 Responses to “Pony Fighter”

  • kutani Says:

    Messy ponies would certainly not go unappreciated!

  • JiveGuru Says:

    No Joe! Don’t pollute the net with more ponies! There are already way too many, devote your time to other things! anything else! Just please… no ponies.

  • Blammo! Says:

    While its up to you what you’d like to draw, I personally think that the rule 34 community has successfully exhausted the show and it’s abundant naughty parodies. But now that you’ve got me thinking about TV shows, I’d really like to see your unique style clash with Pokemon or even Digimon; of which my kids made me watch with them every weekend when they were little. “If not now, when?”

  • John M Hanna Says:

    My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a pretty cool show, but there is too much pony art out there now. There isn’t enough attention being paid to other cartoon girls. We need to give them equal time.

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    I’ve been following the progress of Fighting is Magic for a while now, and have to say it’s one of the most promising fan projects out there, that isn’t going to just fall apart at some point.

    I think the count of 17 characters sounds a little high though; the main game is focused on being released with all six of the main cast, and extra characters only added in at a later date. As-is, only four of them are currently in a playable state, the remaining two still remaining very much as a work in progress.

    As much as I love the game however, I tend to suck at fighting games and resort to button mashing randomly as I can never remember most of the moves, let alone combos or blocking or anything.

    As for pony pr0ns – well, your style seems to work in a complimentary style with their designs. It mightn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s no such thing as too much of something if you’re actively going out and looking for more of it, after all…

  • JJ Says:

    I don’t get the whole pony phenomenon…. I tried to watch the show, having had it recommended to me by people whose opinions I trust, but it was just not my cup of tea. I’ll stick to Adventure Time, if you don’t mind.

    As far as you producing My Little Porny, go for it, if you like. You’ll produce better work if it is something that you are motivated to do. I agree that the net is flooded with it at the moment, but that (by itself) shouldn’t necessarily influence your choice on the matter.

  • Oomu Says:

    I would love ponies.

    Their design is really great and so I would like to see your take on them. They are great characters.

    Thanks for your answer previously. It was perfect’

  • Mike Says:

    a few things on pony art. first, there is definitely a lot of it. However, i dont mind you drawing it because, in my opinion, most of the stuff that is around… sucks. big time. second though, i dont like most of the main characters sexually, because i actually care for them. the show gives them such great personality and they’re so likable that for the most part, seeing them that way is not what i want to do. but, they are indeed good for those types of pictures.

  • Mike Says:

    aw, just watched the first video. they need to stop showing twilight getting her butt kicked. even when they show off her special moves, its against herself 🙁

  • Oomu Says:

    About sexuality. I don’t care, if you keep the same positive spirit you explained previously. Pinkie Pie could be a crazy party-goer, they are also strong-willed characters and not some bimbo you can abuse.

    In the show they are young adults, so it allows a lot of scenarios. I’m sure Rainbow Dash tried some “competition” with the Wonderbolts…

    As I said on EQ, these characters are loved a lot by many children. You have to be cautious some naughty situation with them are never found on a simply google search.

    It’s not the same thing but I’m sure somewhere someone cried because they found the dreadful “cupcakes” fanfic looking just for more from the show with pinkie pie.

    I’m impressed with the art and moves in the game. But still I would have preferred an action-adventure game in equestria in the spirit of the show or better : a whole 3d mmo ! 🙂

  • CinosNroca Says:

    More Pony porns from you would be very much appreciated. I really liked your Pinkie Pie pics, and would love to see the rest of the main cast drawn with a little Joe Randel flair!

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