Eleanor on a Pillow

I have here the second in the series of “on a pillow”.  It’s been a while since I’ve draw her so I hope I did okay.  I honestly never really planned on making this a series, but I’m glad that I’ve decided to run with it.  I do enjoy drawing them and I hope that others like them as well.  As usual I’ve made a messy version past the link for those interested.

Now I guess I just have to work on a Brittany version.  Hmmm… how should she be positioned on her pillow?

3 Responses to “Eleanor on a Pillow”

  • kutani Says:

    Ohh, cute! The shading on her face makes it look a little flat, but the rest is good!

    Brit’s always such a showoff. I could see her laying face-down on the pillow, or on her arms and knees, bum in the air. The former would be better if you stick with the overhead shot, tho, hmm. Maybe something like belly down, legs spread, face to the side and eye back up towards the viewer and a smile.

  • JiveGuru Says:

    I say make Brittany with her butt towards the camera looking over her shoulder. Yep. 🙂

  • JJ Says:

    Hey, the hidden post thing works! Couldn’t login until just now due to a mail issue. Got that cleared up, and a new old post appears. I feel like a geezer for thinking that is neat.

    Nice pics, btw. Though, I think I prefer Eleanor in the style you used for the ’06 (?) pics.

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