The Works

This evening, Wife and I had an opportunity to have dinner out.  Just the two of us.  It doesn’t happen very often so we decided to go to one of our favorite places to eat.  It’s called The Works and what it is, is a gourmet burger bistro.  It’s not a big place, but it’s huge in burger flavor.  Did I mention it’s also 100% Canadian?

This is just a small showing of the whole menu.  There is something in there for everyone!  Which ones do you think you’d try?

I had the Dead Ringer and Wife had the Beverly Hills Lawsuit.  Can you find them in there?

I just love these salt and pepper shakers.  How are beer prices here compared to America?

If you’re interested in making your burger even fancier, you can choose a chicken breast, ground turkey a portobello mushroom cap or even domestic elk.

This was my drink.  It’s a cherry Coke.  We don’t actually get cherry Coke here in Canada.  We used to but for what ever reason, we don’t anymore (no vanilla Coke ether, grrrr >_<).  So this is actually some sort of cherry syrup and Coke.  I think.  What ever it is, it’s just as tasty.  And yes, all the drinks come in these measuring cups.  Little known fact about me, I love drinking out of novelty cups.  Mason jar cups are awesome too. ^_^

Here’s my Dead Ringer burger.  It’s bbq smoked brisket, smokey bbq sauce, jack cheese and an onion ring.  So no, I didn’t just put that ring on my burger for kicks, it came that way.  I also swapped out my fries for more onion rings.  You can also get sweet potato fries, veggies, spicy chips which are really spicy, poutine, spicy slaw and mashed potatoes.  But I think you can never have enough onion rings.

See… more onion rings.  This was Wife’s burger, the Beverly Hills Lawsuit.  A fried egg, spinach, havarti cheese and double smoked bacon (That’s how we do it here in Canada, one smoking just isn’t enough).  That is also a chipotle mayo dip for the onion rings.  It was pretty damn tasty.  We even started dipping this burger in it because it was so good!

We cut our burgers in half so we could try what each other had.  This is half of what I ordered moments before I devoured it.  I think I preferred the other one.  Not that mine wasn’t tasty.  Far from it, I think I just needed more bbq sauce.  Next time I think I’ll ask for a side of it so I can dip my burger.

So if you find yourself in Ontario, Canada (sorry rest of the world) I highly recommend trying this place.  For those of us already in Ontario, you can check out a list of locations to see if there is one by you.  If there is, why the hell are you still reading this?  Frigg’n get out there and shove a burger in your face!

2 Responses to “The Works”

  • Zafo Says:

    Best burge i eate was in netherlands
    in a club called Stairway to Heven.
    Bureger was so tall they had to pierce it with stick so it will hold together.
    Meet was out of this world.

  • JJ Says:

    I’m partial to a place called Krazy Jim’s Blimpy Burger. My dad took us there as children, went there throughout high school/college, and now, whenever I’m visiting family, my wife an I make a trip to Ann Arbor and get some burgers (of course that isn’t the only thing we do in Ann Arbor).

    You order by bun, number of patties (1-5 @ 1/10 lb each), and toppings. Also, they offer various fried goodies (french fries, onion rings, zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli, or a mix). The food can be a bit mess, but that is part of its appeal to me. I can’t recommend this place highly enough. It is a bit of an experience to boot (trays, lines, and ordering procedures). It was actually featured on a tv show (here is a link to part of the segment):

    If you ever find yourself in Ann Arbor and fancy a burger, it is not to be missed.

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