
So the other day Wife and I where talking about IQ’s and the movie Goodwill Hunting (one of our favorite movies).  She decided to check out one of those free online IQ tests and see what our IQ’s where.  Now, this was only done for fun and we don’t really put much faith in any IQ test that you can do for free over the internet… but I was quite happy with my results.  According to Free-IQ Test I have an IQ of 131, which just puts me in to the “gifted” category over at IQ Test Center.

I’m a visual learner so any of the pattern questions I got really easy.  Math and numbers I can do fine but trying to find number patterns really threw me for a loop.  Word problems are the worst for me.  I’ll usually have to read them over several times to make sure I’m reading it right.

Wander on over and see what your internet IQ is.  You just might surprise yourself.

6 Responses to “I.Q.”

  • Jive Guru Says:

    I got 126, but I’m also almost falling asleep right now, and your not supposed to take IQ tests when your tired.

    I guess I’m still above average though. 🙂

  • Osprey Says:

    I had taken an IQ test in High School as a Junior through the Guidance Counselor and I scored a 126. Yet my grades were very low. (Fecking homework…)

    I think that in the 11 years since, I’ve gone up as my brain kept developing and new information was acquired.

    I’ll take this test later when I’m properly awake and post a comment with the score.

  • mattys123 Says:

    Just took 3 different IQ tests from 3 different websites, it averaged at 137. Very happy with that!

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I tried taking it but it wanted me to sign up for their website. Sorry, but I don’t want to sign up for something I’m only going to use once.

  • Chakat Firepaw Says:

    I have some bad news for you: Most of those free online IQ tests are rigged to score 10-20 points high.

    This is because they often make their money by selling certificates that state your ‘IQ’ or by getting you to advertise their site when you brag about your score.

    TBH: That test is so short that I doubt that it could give a result above 120, (assuming it was scored fairly). To measure up in the 140s you need a couple hundred questions.

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